Clover Model
Your Passion
The Clover Queries What do you most love doing? With others—or by yourself? What roles do you find easiest or most fulfilling? What’s hardest or more likely to go wrong? Where do you want to stretch? To try, learn or discover new things or new skills? To ask more of yourself?
Your Situation
What are your circumstances? Age, jobs, family, travel, foreign or special experiences? Luck and limits in health, time, tools, talents, space, money, credibility, connections? Your networks, influence, insight or knowledge—formal or not? To faith, friends, NGO’s, neighbors, co-workers, businesses, investors, professions, activists, different groups or publics?
World's Need
What are the things going on in the world that most inspire you, give you hope & meaning? What most troubles you? Where do you feel most called to try to make a difference? What most calls to your heart? What do you know most about? Or are most eager to visit, learn more, join with others, make a difference?
Greatest Impact
Which campaigns, well-focused on
the most pivotal points of change, are you or might you be part of? What solutions might you help bring to scale? Where do you see need or opportunity not yet made the most of? Or have ideas you want to pursue? What great sources, links or allies do you have or could find to work with?
Your Center
How do you connect with nature, with others, with “Source”? Take good care of yourself? Gird for the long haul? Share openly the joy, hope, outrage, despair, grief, elation & triumph that go with this work? Find the courage, endurance, determination, patience, guidance or compassion you need? How do you ask for--and accept--the healing, help, support, protection or encouragement--emotional, spiritual and material that you need?